Five Signs You Are Stuck In A Trauma Bond


Trauma bonds are a type of unhealthy connection between two people that is formed as a result of shared traumatic experiences. These bonds often form in relationships where one person has been subjected to abuse, neglect, and/or manipulation by another. While trauma bonds can be hard to break, there are sure signs that you can look out for if you think you may be stuck in one.

1. Self-Blame Do you often blame yourself for the mistakes or wrongdoings of your partner? This could indicate that you are stuck in a trauma bond. People in trauma bonds tend to internalize the blame for adverse events or interactions with their abuser. This type of self-blame can lead to low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness which further fuels the cycle of abuse.

2. Fear of abandonment Are you constantly worried about being abandoned by your partner? Fear of abandonment is common among those stuck in a trauma bond because they see leaving their abuser as an act of betrayal or abandonment. Even if they recognize that their abuser is abusive, they may still feel obligated to stay due to feelings of loyalty and dependency on them.