Alternatives to Hydrocarbon

The negative impact of hydrocarbon energy, there is a growing movement toward the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and geothermal power. Alongside innovations in battery technology and “smart grid” infrastructure, these new energy alternatives may play a significantly larger role in global energy production in the years and decades ahead.
Solar power comes from the sun. The process transforms solar energy into thermal or electrical energy that is used in powering homes, heating water for commercial and industrial use, and providing electricity. Solar energy is considered to be the most abundant and cleanest energy source in the world.
The top five solar power producing countries are China, the United States, Japan, Germany and India
Solar power has gained prominence in the use of homes and office buildings. It functions via solar panels that are placed on these structures that convert solar energy into electricity and other uses. Solar panel companies have become common and a new part of the energy industry.
Wind energy utilizes the wind to create power or electricity. Wind turbines are created to convert the energy in wind to mechanical power, which is then used for a variety of industrial tasks as well as in creating electricity through the use of a generator. Wind turbines can be found on both land and water.
Geothermal energy taps into the heat that exists under the surface of the earth. The sources of heat are trapped inside rocks and liquids under the surface as well as far down towards the earth's core. Geothermal energy is created by digging wells into the earth's surface to access the steam and hot water, which are used to power generators that create electricity.
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Journal Manager
Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation